Inspiring stuff on Big Data, IoT, digitization and innovation in general

What does innovation mean for organizations and in our own homes? The possibilities are endless. Here is some inspiration to get you through the summer!

As you know, we at Suivo are passionate about innovation and everything to do with (big) data. Still looking for reading material or other inspiration to get you through the summer? Check out our tips: from inspiring books to eye-opening podcasts!

Thingalitics | John Bates

Thingalitics is all about the use of real-time analytics and algorithms to guide innovative organizations through the maze of fast Big Data arising from the Internet of Things. These organizations must make sense of the data, then find out ways to react and profit from it.

This happens to be exactly what Suivo wants to achieve: collecting data and turn them into valuable insights. What a coincidence ? (APIs are indispensable here!)

But no one explains it better than Bates, the author, himself:

“The Internet of Things (IoT) is much more important and transformative than a smart fridge that tells you when to buy milk. In fact, it is changing everything – just as the original Internet did. Put simply, the Internet of Things represents an emerging reality where everyday objects and devices are connected to the Internet, most likely wirelessly, and can communicate with one another at some intelligent level.”

Read here his full post on the topic.

The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective | Honbo Zhou

This book offers a holistic view of the technologies and applications of the entire IoT spectrum. It gives you a panoramic view of the IoT landscape-focusing on the overall technological architecture and design of a tentatively unified IoT framework underpinned by Cloud computing.

iot_cloud book cover

Quite expensive, … but we guess worth it to learn something. Read more.

Alexa Skills Project | Madhur Bhargava

Do you want to build exciting projects (at home) with Amazon Alexa and integrate it with Internet of Things? Alexa Skills Projects starts with a basic introduction to Amazon Alexa and Echo.  It’s a practical guide with ideas to use the technology for home automation, asking generic queries, and ordering a cab or pizza by using simple voice commands. Experiment like crazy in your own home!

Smart Cities of today and tomorrow | Joseph N. Pelton and Indu B. Singh

Smart cities actually are new or revamped urban areas using technology to make the lives of residents easier and more enjoyable. They will have automated infrastructures such as the Internet of Things, the Cloud, automated industrial controls, electronic money, mobile and communication satellite systems, wireless texting and networking.

With all of these benefits come new forms of danger as well. This book explains the advantages of smart cities. Based on the practical experience of the authors it tells how such a city is planned and analyzes vital security concerns. How will smart cities change our lives? This book offers a preview of our future and how you can help prepare yourself for the changes to come.

De technoloog: podcasts that will keep you awake in car or airplane!

These podcasts from BNR hosted by Herbert Blankesteijn and Ben van der Burg are unfortunately in Dutch only, but worthwhile if you understand any ?

They talk to high-profile experts about technological developments and the impact on our society. There are many different themes, but anyone who is a bit tech-minded will find something to his liking. Do you have a long car journey ahead of you? These podcasts will keep you awake!

Click here for an overview.

Were you wowed by a book, movie or podcast recently? We welcome your tips too!

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